1. This product is shipped from Korea and comes with free shipping. (Please note that shipping fees may apply for returns and exchanges.)
2. Please be aware that customs duties may apply depending on the country of purchase, so kindly check before buying.
3. You can check the HS CODE for this product to make it easier to verify customs duties.
4. The order will be shipped after confirmation, and delivery may take 7 to 14 days after shipping. (In some cases, it may take longer.)
5. Refunds are not possible for delays caused by the courier service after shipment. (If you leave an inquiry, we can check the shipment status and provide you with updates.)
6. Shipping is generally carried out via EMS. Depending on the circumstances, other courier services may be used for shipment.
7. If you wish to return or exchange due to a change of mind, shipping fees will apply. (Shipping fees are $80 for the USA and $50 for Asia.)
Refund & Exchange policy
1. This product is shipped from Korea, so returns and exchanges are difficult. Returns and exchanges are not possible unless there is a clear mistake on the seller's part. If necessary, the customer must cover the shipping fees.
5. When returning a product, please make sure to include the RMA number with the shipment.(Returns cannot be processed without an RMA number.)
8. Refunds after a return request will be processed once the product arrives in Korea and is inspected. (If the issue is due to the customer's mistake or a problem during shipping, we will contact you. In such cases, a refund may not be possible.)
9. Refund Method: Refunds are generally processed using the same method used for payment. If you paid with a credit card, PayPal, or other payment methods, the refund will be handled in the same way.
1. If you encounter any issues while using the product or need after-sales service (AS), service is available. However, please note that the item must be sent back to Korea for repairs. You can contact us via WHATSAPP, LINE, the chat window on our main website, or email. If you need AS due to a malfunction within 30 days, you can request shipping (please note that the shipping cost is the customer's responsibility: $80 for the U.S., $50 for Asia).
2. Before shipment, all products are thoroughly inspected and tested. If you need AS due to a seller issue or product malfunction, please leave an inquiry.
3. For any questions during product use, feel free to contact us via WhatsApp, LINE, the chat window on our main site, or by email.
4. We, at PUREPOT, are committed to always listening to our customers' voices and actively working to resolve any issues. Thank you.